Zdravo življenje s Putko Zdravko
Skupina učiteljic in šolska svetovalka OŠ Bičevje so z otroki iz vseh treh triad sodelovale v projektu Zavoda Enostavno Prijatelji »Zdravo življenje s Putko Zdravko«.
Skupina učiteljic in šolska svetovalka OŠ Bičevje so z otroki iz vseh treh triad sodelovale v projektu Zavoda Enostavno Prijatelji »Zdravo življenje s Putko Zdravko«.
Februarja 2013 nas je učiteljica iz mehiške šole, s katero smo že sodelovali pri projektu izdelave mandal, povabila k ponovnemu sodelovanju skupaj z učiteljico iz Kitajske in predlagala projekt recikliranja. S svojimi otroki v starosti od 5 do 6 let je zbirala odpadne izdelke, nato pa so iz odpadne embalaže izdelali devetmetrski grad. Za izmenjavo med šolami je predlagala, da njeni učenci izdelajo okvirčke iz že uporabljenega ovojnega papirja bombonov ter lesenih palčk lizik ali sladoledov, v sredino pa se namesto slike zapiše kakšen izrek znanih umetnikov. Idejna tematika nam je bila všeč , nato pa se je vsaka država lotila dela po svoje. Na Japonskem so mlajši učenci izdelovali izdelke iz ovitkov za bombone, starejši pa so izdelovali imena v obliki grafitov na odpadnih tkaninah.
Na naši šoli smo v projekt vključili 70 učencev šestih in osmih razredov, ki so izdelali zapestnice iz starega papirja in revij. Zapestnice so učenci poslali otrokom v Mehiko in na Kitajsko. Otroci iz mehiške šole so našim otrokom poslali zapestnice izdelane iz odpadnih materialov pločevink in tekstila. Učenci šole iz Shanghaja pa so učence OŠ Bičevje razveselili z verižicami z barvitimi obeski, ki so jih izdelali iz odpadnih materialov, risbami ter kitajskimi bonboni.
Namen projekta je bil ozaveščanje otrok, da so odpadki problem povsod po svetu, da je za vse nas pomembno, da skrbimo za svoj planet in da je vsak izmed nas odgovoren za ta problem. S takim projektom pa se hkrati razvijajo stiki med državami iz različnih delov sveta in otroci spoznavajo in sprejemajo njihovo podobnost in drugačnost.
Slike izdelovanja recikliranih zapestnic na OŠ Bičevje za otroke osnovnih šol iz Kitajske in Mehike.
Veselje otrok OŠ Bičevje ob prejemu daril iz recikliranih materialov, ki so jih poslali otroci iz Mexico Cityja – zapestnice in iz Shanghaija – verižice.
Predstavitev, ki so jo otroci OŠ Bičevje poslali otrokom v Mehiko in na Kitajsko, da bi bolje spoznali OŠ Bičevje in lepote ter kulturo Slovenije.
Klikni na sliko za Power point predstavitev Our school, town and country
Otroci iz mehiške osnovne šole v Mexico Cityju za učence OŠ Bičevje izdelujejo darila iz recikliranih materialov – zapestnice.
Otroci iz mednarodne osnovne šole v Shanghaju (Kitajska) za učence OŠ Bičevje izdelujejo darila iz recikliranih materialov – verižice in skulpture z barvicami.
Otroci iz mednarodne osnovne šole v Shanghaju (Kitajska) se veselijo daril – zapestnic, ki so jih iz starega papirja izdelali učenci OŠ Bičevje.
Odzvali smo se na povabilo učiteljice iz mednarodne šole v Shanghai-ju, ki je v svoji šolski skupnosti organizirala projekt izdelave murala, kot del praznovanja in obeleženja njihove 80. obletnice, v duhu širjenja svoje izobraževalne filozofije. K sodelovanju je povabila več šol in posameznikov iz celega sveta. Namen projekta je bil povezovanje posameznikov v skupnosti preko ustvarjanja umetniškega izdelka, ki bi odražal multikulturen in globalen pristop pri poučevanju mladih. Tudi naši šoli je poslala manjše lesene ploščice, ki so jih učenci poslikali po želji. Poslikane izdelke smo poslali nazaj v Shanghai, kjer so bili nad izdelki otrok navdušeni. Sestavili so jih skupaj z ostalimi prispelimi ploščicami drugih držav in jih razstavili v šoli. Odziv je bil večji kot so pričakovali in do konca januarja 2013 so zbrali že okrog 1000 poslikanih lesenih ploščic, ki so jih poslali učenci ter ostali sodelujoči iz naslednjih držav: Slovenije, Francije, Kanade, Italije, Španije, Slonokoščene obale, ZDA, Velike Britanije, Irske, Mehike, Gane, Kitajske, Mongolije, Avstralije, Nove Zelandije, Malezije, Koreje, Japonske, Filipinov in Združenih arabskih emiratov.
Zaradi velikega odziva in ogromnega števila ploščic, ki še prihajajo, v šoli razmišljajo, da bi ob otvoritvi nove šole, meseca septembra 2013, vanjo postavili ogromno poslikavo, sestavljeno iz vseh prispelih poslikanih koščkov.
Prenos predstavitve šole: All about us – Shanghai
V sklopu mednarodnega projekta »Art in All of Us« smo celoten prvi semester šolskega leta 2012/13 sodelovali z osnovno šolo iz ZDA, s katero smo si izmenjali izkušnje, se seznanili z urnikom in načinom dela v ameriških osnovnih šolah, spoznavali tujo državo in njene značilnosti ter navade. V sklopu tematike ekologije (varovanje okolja) smo spoznavali ozaveščenost prebivalcev ZDA glede te problematike ter dajali ideje in pobude za izboljšanje situacije. Z učenci iz ZDA smo si izmenjali tudi izkušnje glede lastne in skupne angažiranosti pri ohranjanju čistega okolja (preventiva, recikliranje itd.). Učenci obeh držav so izdelali grafike na temo ohranjanja čistega okolja ter si jih izmenjali.
Prenos predstavitve šole iz ZDA: Our school, town and country
Delo je potekalo v obliki pogovorov, pisanja vprašanj in odgovorov, izdelave predstavitve ter izdelave grafike. Sledila je še končna evalvacija ob zaključku tematike o ekologiji.
No, but we do try to be sustainable in the art room
By informing them about what is going on in the world.
Yes, we use computers, cameras, projectors, SmartBoards, and tablets. The paper we use in our printers has some post-consumer content. In art class, we reuse paper scraps, as you can see with our prints!
Yes, everyone does without knowing it or meaning to. We ride in cars and on buses, we throw out food, we buy things from factories, we use plastic bottles (and many people throw them in the trash instead of recycling), and we create a lot of unnecessary waste. We are trying to stop, and the best way to do that is by spreading knowledge about the environment.
We have an Environmental Club and an Eco-Schools Committee. Our courtyard is a certified natural wildlife habitat with turtles, ducks, fish, and native plant life. Our goal is to be certified as an ECO school this year, and many other schools in this area have already been certified.
There are recycling bins in every room and in the cafeteria and halls, but not everyone uses them because it’s not a requirement. It should be!
Hybrid cars, recycle everything, buy used items, compost, take shorters showers, buy post-consumer plastic and paper, use biodegradeable trash bags…
We have many problems and there needs to be more of a collective effort put forth to decrease these problems.
Ms. Morgan’s mom does, as does our principal, Ms. Jackson. So, some people do, but most do not. People really like their big gas-guzzling SUVs L
We recycle and re-use things for art projects.
Some of it, but in urban areas, not so much.
We put our food in trash cans which are emptied into dumpsters which the garbage trucks empty and bring to landfills. Our art teacher, Ms. Morgan, composts all of her food waste. What a champ!
We recycle paper every day. There are recycling bins in our classrooms that get emptied by the custodians.
Recycling and not wasting resources. Reduce, reuse, recycle. And re-purpose!
Unfortunately, we do not have recycling on every street. Certain parts of the city have recycling bins, but it needs to be more widespread. There are other cities in our country that are more »green« than we are, but there are even more cities that are less green.
Yes, we are aware. The problem is, people care more about convenience than doing the eco-friendly thing. Being eco-friendly needs to become a way of life.
Many of us recycle those things. Sometimes we use them in art projects, too.
Some people grow organic food in gardens, and there are many organic farms, but they are small farms. The big factory farms that supply most of the food for our country are not organic.
Yes, at least our class is.
Some people do but not everyone.
We have single-stream recycling, so anything that can be recycled (bottles, cans, paper, etc.) can all be put in the same bin.
Yes, but we’re trying to be better about not polluting.
Early September. We finish the school year in mid-June.
Yes, there are aids who help students with Math and English mostly.
Not really! The food isn’t very good.
It’s in a town. Fairfax is a suburban town in northern Virginia, about 40 minutes outside of Washington, DC (our nation’s capitol). Washington, DC is where President Obama lives! Many of the families who live in this area are here because a parent is in the military, or because they work for the government.
It depends on your schedule, but yes, gym is offered in the morning.
Yes, breakfast and lunch are available in the cafeteria daily. Students buy the food prepared by the »lunch ladies« or bring lunch from home.
It is optional for 8th graders to take a language (Latin, Italian, French, Spanish). Languages are not offered to 7th graders. Some elementary (K-6) schools offer languages but not all.
We are in school from 7:25am-2:20pm Monday through Friday. There are many clubs offered after school most days.
It depends on what classes you are in and what teachers you have.
Yes, but it depends on the classes, the teachers, and the individual students!
Each student has 7 classes per day, and each class meets for 54 minutes. Lunch is 30 minutes long. The bell rings after each period, and students walk to their next class in a different classroom. A sample schedule would be: Orchestra, Math, English, Art, Lunch, Science, History, P.E. (gym). Each subject is taught by a different teacher.
Old, big, crowded, intense work.
Some people take the school bus, some walk, and some get dropped off by parents.
Some are (not Ms. Morgan)
Classes are about 50 minutes long, but 5th period is an hour. There is a 4 minute break between each class. Lunch is 30 minutes long. There are 7 periods in a day.
Everyone takes English, Math, History, Science, and PE (gym), and they choose two other »elective« classes from the following list: chorus, band, orchestra, art, teen living (cooking and sewing), tech explorations (wood shop), computer solutions, and creative writing.
You must have a pass to be in the hallways during class, no phones, no vandalism, no bullying, no being rude to teachers.
Lunch detention, in-school suspension, after-school detention, phone call to parents.
There are many after school activities.
More time between classes, and start school later in the morning. Smaller amount of homework.
Yes. For example, one student just put tape on his eyebrow and pulled it off, taking hairs with it. He gave it to Ms. Morgan as a present. Only four students in the class said they don’t think they ever annoy teachers.
It’s pretty big for a middle school. There are only two grades (7 and 8), but we have about 1,080 students. Students come from a number of different elementary schools.
We have pretty good computers. They are Windows computers. We have laptop carts that teachers can sign out, and two computer labs.
17 people in our class say they like school or think it’s okay.
Only for gym.
We have many kinds of food available, from Asian to Italian to Mexican, and everything in between. Grocery stores and restaurants have an assortment of food ranging in all cuisines.
In northern Virginia, our towns are comfortable but packed full of people. More people move here all the time. Our cities are mainly business buildings and restaurants. We don’t really have any villages in this area.
Yes, and in our art class, we have been doing recycling art projects and using recycled materials in our projects.
We have many large retail stores such as Wal-Mart, Target, Safeway, Giant, and Costco; and many clothing stores like Macy’s, JCPenney, and other places like that.
One student in our class lives in a flat (everyone else is in a house), but many have lived in flats before. Ms. Morgan lives in a duplex, which is a house divided in two with two different families.
16 students would prefer to live in the countryside, and 8 in the city.
The average American does; the students in our class do occasionally. Junk food is widely available and some people eat a lot of it, others don’t.
The USA is very big with many different climates, but in Virginia it rains occasionally for a couple of days in a row, and then it’s sunny for many days. In the summer, it rains less and it is 90 to 100 degrees (Fehrenheit); in the winter, it rains more and snows sometimes, and the temperature varies between 30 to 40 degrees F.
7 people in our class have visited Europe, and 2 lived there for some time.
1 serious and 1 fun thing they learnt on their pals from the creation they received from them
If students from the other country were to visit your country, to which places your students would want to bring them? And why?
What do your students think about this first exchange?
What can be done better next time?
What would make this exchange more fun?
Are you willing to participate to another exchange, with the same school, with another one?
When would you like this exchange to happen?
Grafika učencev iz šole v ZDA, ki so bile poslane učencem naše šole
Na osnovi dobrega večletnega sodelovanja v mednarodnem projektu Art in All of Us, ki ga podpira UNICEF, je šolska skupnost OŠ Bičevje dobila povabilo, da se pridruži še trem šolam iz različnih delov sveta. Na ta način se je spodbujala ustvarjalnost otrok in krepilo medkulturno ozaveščanje ter širilo sporočilo prijateljstva in sprejemanja raznolikosti.
Aktivnosti so potekale v sodelovanju z učitelji in učenci iz štirih šol (Mehika, Japonska, Madagaskar, Slovenija). Več kot 50 učencev OŠ Bičevje je tako sodelovalo v projektu izdelovanja mandal. Učenci posameznih šol so tekom projekta pripravili tudi predstavitve ostalih vključenih držav in njihovih kultur, ki jim je sledila diskusija v razredu, nekateri pa so si predstavitve šol, mest in držav preko interneta predstavili tudi drug drugemu.
V delavnicah se je otrokom najprej predstavilo kaj so mandale, zakaj jih ljudje že od nekdaj ustvarjajo, njihova zgodovina ter namen. Otroke se je informiralo in ozaveščalo o pomenu mandal ter bogastvu raznolikosti ljudi v svetu in edinstvenosti, pomembnosti in ustvarjalnosti vsakega posameznika.
Otroci vseh štirih držav so na enako velik papir narisali enake osnovne kroge, na katere so z vodnimi barvami narisali mandale, ki so bile na nak način povezane z naravo in Dnevom zemlje.
Učenci so ob sproščujoči glasbi iskali stik s svojo notranjostjo in jo izražali na papir.
Skupaj smo si ogledali tipične slovenske vzorce, simbole, motive in barve. Nekateri učenci so jih vključili v svoje mandale ter tudi na tak način ponesli del Slovenije po svetu. Nastali so prelepi, edinstveni izdelki.
Učenci vseh štirih šol so izdelane mandale razrezali na štiri dele in jih razposlali v vse naštete države, kjer naj bi vsaka šola sestavila ogromno mandalo, sestavljeno iz delov mandal vseh štirih sodelujočih držav. Ta sestavljena mandala dejansko predstavlja vso raznolikost in drugačnost, a hkrati enakost in edinstvenost celotnega sveta.